Definition of Orange peel

1. Noun. The rind of an orange.

Exact synonyms: Orange Rind
Generic synonyms: Peel, Skin
Group relationships: Orange
Specialized synonyms: Orange Zest

2. Noun. Strips of orange peel cooked in sugar and coated with sugar.
Generic synonyms: Candied Citrus Peel

Definition of Orange peel

1. Noun. (literally) The skin of an orange, including the pith. ¹

2. Noun. An uneven surface resembling orange peel, especially cellulite or an imperfect finish on a spray-painted object such as a car. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Orange Peel

orange blister beetles
orange blossom
orange blossoms
orange daisy
orange fleabane
orange grove
orange hawkweed
orange horseshoe bat
orange juice
orange liqueur
orange marmalade
orange milkweed
orange milkwort
orange mushroom pimple
orange peel
orange peel fungus
orange peels
orange pekoe
orange red
orange rind
orange roughy
orange sneezeweed
orange soda
orange squash
orange stick
orange sticks
orange tip
orange tips
orange toast

Literary usage of Orange peel

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Proceedings by Natural Gas Association of America, Modern Language Association of America (1917)
"94. any desired length, cut on one end to the shape of an orange peel, which is heated in a forge and the points or lips are bent to the center and welded ..."

2. American Druggist (1889)
"Six ounces of cardamom seeds; 4 ounces each of balsam of tolu, rhubarb, and galanga; 1 pound of orange peel; 1 pound of alkanet root;'14 ounces caraway seed ..."

3. Proceedings of the American Pharmaceutical Association at the Annual Meeting by American Pharmaceutical Association, National Pharmaceutical Convention, American Pharmaceutical Association Meeting (1875)
"Two varieties of orange-peel are used in medicine, the sweet orange, the product of ... The constituents of orange-peel are volatile oil, a crystalliz- able ..."

4. The History of Sandford and Merton by Thomas Day (1826)
"young gentlemen first began to give specimens of their politeness by throwing nuts and orange-peel upon the stage; and Tommy, who was resolved to profit by ..."

5. Materia Medica: For the Use of Students by John Barclay Biddle (1874)
"AURANTII DULCIS CORTEX—SWEET orange peel. The RIND of the FRUIT of Citrus vulgaris, or Bitter Orange, and Citrus aurantium, or Sweet Orange (Nat. ..."

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